Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, NL

About the Foundation

Supporting global software development and education in the engineering sciences

Computational analysis tools have revolutionized the way we design engineering systems as a society, but most established codes are proprietary, unavailable, or prohibitively expensive for many users. The SU2 Foundation will change this, making multiphysics analysis and design optimization software free and publicly available, in a single place, without restriction on who can contribute to its creation and development.

The SU2 Foundation is an educational and scientific not-for-profit that will bring together computational scientists and engineers through the SU2 Foundation platform. The SU2 Foundation develops, maintains, and supports a collection of C++ and Python-based software tools for performing Partial Differential Equation (PDE) analysis and solving PDE-constrained optimization problems. Through maintaining and improving the quality of software, documentation, and tutorials, and by growing the community of users and developers, the SU2 Foundation will ensure quality improvement of multiphysics software tools, accessible by everyone, for continued innovation in the engineering sciences.

The SU2 codebase can be found on https://github.com/su2code and a dedicated homepage with documentation, testcases and more is hosted via https://su2code.github.io/.


Our operations and activities depend upon the generous support of individuals, industry, government agencies, and universities around the world.

Interested in being a sponsor? Take a look at our sponsorship program.


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Stanford University

TU Kaiserslautern

Imperial College London

University of Strathclyde

Tecplot, Inc.

SU2 Foundation 

Executive Board

Our current executive board consists of experienced directors in their respective fields and will manage the foundation’s activities in order to pursue the mission. The members do not receive an income or financial compensation for their work. They can get reimbursed for expenses made in accordance with the SU2 Foundation’s mission.

Dr. Thomas D. Economon

Executive Director

Tom is one of the original developers of SU2 and has helped maintain the project since its initial open-source release in 2012 while at Stanford University. Research interests include computational fluid dynamics, optimal shape design via adjoint methods, and high performance computing.

Dr. Eran Arad


Eran is a Senior Research Associate at Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. He has over 30 years of experience in turbulence modeling and simulation (LES,DES), compressible flow simulation, industrial CFD and complex geometry flow analysis.

Pedro Gomes


Pedro is an HPC software engineer specializing in CFD, aeroelasticity, and MDO applications. He has done extensive modifications to SU2 during his PhD, especially to improve performance and to extend the multiphysics simulation and design capabilities of the code. In his spare time, Pedro is currently the main SU2 maintainer.

Daniel Mayer


Daniel is a Senior Engineer at Robert Bosch LLC in Sunnyvale, CA. He specializes in software development for multiphysics modeling and simulation. Especially combustion and electrochemistry based energy conversion systems are in his focus.

Tobias Kattmann


Tobias is a computational scientist and PhD student at the TU Kaiserslautern. His areas of expertise include CHT simulation with a focus on heat exchangers, and adjoint methods for shape optimization.

Dr. Nijso Beishuizen

Director and Treasurer

Nijso Beishuizen studied Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, majoring in aerodynamics, and subsequently did a PhD in applied physics at the same university. He is now a research engineer at Bosch Thermotechnology Deventer, specializing in Computational Fluid Dynamics, combustion and optimization of boilers and burners. Additionally, he is a part-time assistant professor at Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, in the group of Power and Flow.

Dr. Matteo Pini

Director and Secretary

Matteo leads turbomachinery research in the Propulsion and Power group of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is expert in adjoint-based optimization methods for turbomachinery applications and internal flows at large. He collaboratively developed SU2 for turbomachinery along with several enthusiastic co-workers and currently coordinates the SU2-Turbo working group.

Giulio Gori


Gulio Gori is a researcher at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at the Politecnico di Milano (DAER).

Dr. Marco Fossati


Dr. Fossati is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of Strathclyde. His research interests are in the area of multiphysics computational aerodynamics.

SU2 Foundation 

Advisory Board

Our current Advisory board consists of experienced scientists in their respective fields and will advise the board of directors. Many of them have been on the board of directors before. The members do not receive an income or financial compensation for their work. They can get reimbursed for expenses made in accordance with the SU2 Foundation’s mission.

Prof. Juan J. Alonso

Juan is Professor at the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics of Stanford University and is the head of the Aerospace Design Laboratory (ADL) where SU2 was born. He specializes in the development of high-fidelity computational design methodologies.

Prof. Piero Colonna

Piero leads the Propulsion and Power group of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is an expert of Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics (NICFD), and renewable energy technologies like organic Rankine cycle and supercritical CO2 cycle power systems, and novel heat pumps. His group initiated and continuously advances the development of SU2 features for turbomachinery design and optimization.

Tim Albring

Tim is a computational engineer. Areas of expertise include optimization and design in CFD, adjoint methods, software architecture and high-performance computing.

Contact Details

Foundation name: Stichting SU2

RSIN/fiscal nr: 863990095

Address: Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft

Email: info@su2foundation.org

The SU2 foundation is recognized as a Dutch Public Benefit Foundation (ANBI)