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SU2 conference 2024

View from Castello di Vezio onto Lake Como and Varenna (bottom left). Photo taken on a group hike at the end of the SU2 conference 2022.

Save the Date

5th annual SU2 Conference, Varenna, Italy, September 30-October 2 2024

The SU2 Foundation is very pleased to announce that the 2024 edition of the SU2 conference is again taking place in the Villa Monastero in Varenna / Italy, next to Lake Como. The dates will be Monday September 30th till Wednesday October 2nd 2024. There will be two days of exciting presentations and keynotes, followed by the last dedicated to foundation matters. Save the date, spread the word and keep an eye on this conference site, as it will feature all relevant and up-to-date information!


A detailed time table will be shared once abstracts are reviewed, but chances are high, that the conference will once again start with a Welcome & SU2 Year in Review talk.

As is previous years, there will only be one track throughout the conference, so you will never have to decide what talk to attend.

Call for Abstracts (open)

Whether you are an SU2 user or developer, student or professional or enthusiast, everybody is welcome to participate in our upcoming 4th Annual SU2 Conference and share their work with our community. Aside from state-of-the-art research, we also highly encourage you to share code contributions, work-in-progress or other work related to SU2.

Topics include but are not limited to: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Turbomachinery, Multiphysics (e.g. CHT, FSI), Shape/Topology Optimization, Adjoint Methods, Algorithmic Differentiation , Surrogate Modelling, Visualization Techniques, etc.

In-Person presentation in Varenna is not always possible, so we will give you the opportunity to present virtually (but live) as well.

The authors will need to register their email with CMT. Here is a link how to create a CMT account:

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Please prepare a ~250-1000 word abstract about the work you want to present, preferably just as a text that can be added within cmt and upload a .pdf-file.
  • The abstract has to be submitted via CMT
  • The deadline for submitting an abstract is Friday, August 16th 11:59 pm PT (Pacific Time).
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent out latest Wednesday, August 29th. The organizing committee, as listed below, reviews the submissions and decides about acceptance or rejection.


The registration is now open for in-person and virtual participants via a third party platform eventbrite. Virtual participation is free of charge while the in-person fees are 500€ for (PhD-)students and contributors to the code, the fee is 1000€ for everyone else. The fee pays for the conference venue and catering spanning the 3 conference days, but not for accommodation. The payment is not processed via eventbrite, we will send out a link with payment details after your registration on eventbrite. Note that this can take a short while due to manual processing.

Please click the button below to go to the registration platform, read the short info text and choose the appropriate tickets for your needs:

This SU2 Foundation page is the central place for all updates and latest information, but we do our best to post every major update on the other available channel (slack, twitter, facebook, github).

The best way to get in touch with us is via the SU2 slack channel https://su2devteam.slack.com/ under the channel #su2-conference-2024. The channel might already contain the answer to a question. Otherwise please contact info@su2foundation.org

See you in Varenna!

Organizing Committee

The SU2 Conference 2024 is organized by the members of the SU2 Foundation: Dr. Thomas D. Economon SU2 Foundation; Prof. Juan J. AlonsoStanford University; Dr. Eran AradRafael Advanced Defense Systems; Prof. Piero ColonnaDelft University of Technology; Tim AlbringSU2 Foundation; Dr. Pedro GomesSU2 Foundation; Daniel MayerRobert Bosch LLC; Tobias KattmannTU Kaiserslautern; Dr. Nijso Beishuizen – Bosch Thermotechnology; Dr. Matteo PiniDelft University of Technology; Dr. Marco Fossati – University of Strathclyde

Local organizing committee:

  • Giulio GoriCoordinator of local organizing committee – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
  • Andrea Rausa Local organizing committee – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
  • Francesco Caccia Local organizing committee – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
  • Luca Abergo Local organizing committee – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano