Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, NL

SU2 Scholarship


The SU2 scholarship is a competitive funding instrument for young researchers and software engineers aimed at supporting specific and limited code developments, pre-selected by the Foundation board. The full list of code features that the board considers priority can be found at https://github.com/su2code/SU2/issues/1487. The grantee is expected to provide a mandatory contribution to the open-source community as, e.g., code pushed on the main SU2 branch, test cases, tutorials, documentation released on the official GitHub repository, and to engage with developers and users. It is desirable that the grantee is hosted at one of the research institutions/universities supporting the SU2 Foundation. The SU2 scholarship covers the costs related to short-term research projects of 6 months. The grants are 8,000 – 10,000 €, depending on the location of the hosting institution. The 1 st call for proposals is now open until the 30 th of June 2024. Evaluation will be completed by the end of August 2024 and the projects shall start in Autumn 2024.

Eligibility requirements

● Any researcher and software engineer with preferably an academic degree at Master/PhD level.
● Proven experience in scientific computing and software development (C++).
● Availability to attend the weekly developers meeting.
● Pending on the hosting institution, we apply their policy on nationality.

How to apply

  • Curriculum vitae (1 page).
  • Project description, including the project timeline and the detailed budget (max 3 pages).
  • Motivational letter (addressing how the project contributes to the further development of SU2 and how it benefits the SU2 community).
  • Max 2 support letter(s). In case of a hosting institution, include in the letter a statement about the availability of office space and active supervision. The full application package must be sent to the secretary of the SU2 Foundation.

Selection criteria

  • Quality of the proposal.
  • Quality of the applicant.
  • Impact on SU2 community.
  • Budget plan (eligible costs: travel and accommodation expenses, fee of the SU2 conference at which results of the research must be presented).