Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, NL

SU2 Conference 2022

In just a few years, SU2 has grown from a small, open-source tool for aerodynamics, to a large community of users and developers with a passion for multidisciplinary optimization. As an open-source project, we believe in building a vibrant community, involving everyone in the spirit of open collaboration.

For six consecutive years, we have gathered some of the most active development teams from around the world for our annual developers meeting. This year, the SU2 Foundation would like to invite all of our community, whether you are a user or developer, a student, academic, or industry professional, to participate in our 3rd Annual SU2 Conference.

Everyone is invited to join us in-person in Varenna/Italy or online! Our community will be sharing their state-of-the-art research, code contributions, ongoing developments, and any other SU2-related content that you would not normally see at thematic conferences.

This is what we have prepared for you:

  • A handful of basic and advanced tutorials to develop your skills with SU2.
  • A series of presentations on what you can do with SU2, from our experienced users and developers from all over the world.
  • Updates on SU2 Foundation activities and an open discussion on the future of our project.
  • Great in-person and online networking opportunities.


2022 Award for Contribution to the SU2 Community

This award is given annually to the person making the most outstanding contribution to the progress of the SU2 project during the past year, as determined by peer nomination. Please send your nomination to the Awards Committee Chair, Prof. Matteo Pini (closed), by email before the end of the final talk on Tuesday with the subject line “SU2 Conference Award Nominee.” The person receiving the most nominations will be named the recipient of this year’s award.

We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 award:

Tobias Kattmann

2022 SU2 Conference Best Presentation Award

After the final talk on Tuesday, we ask that you express your opinion on the submitted talks by filling out an anonymous voting form (closed). The author(s) of the talk receiving the highest score will be named the recipient of this year’s award.

We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 award:

Dr. Nijso Beishuizen

“Turbulence modeling with wall functions”


The agenda below contains names and titles as submitted on CMT.

Day 1 – Monday, September 5th

Session 1 – Chair: Prof. Piero Colonna
9:00-9:20Welcome & Year in Review Thomas D. Economon
9:20-9:40The SU2 Working Group: the concept and two examples from the community Matteo Pini
9:40-10:00Adjoint Optimization With Radial Basis Function as Mesh Deformation and Sensitivity Smoothing Technique Luca Abergo
10:00-10:20Multi-Layer Perceptrons in SU2 Evert Bunschoten
Session 2 – Chair: Prof. Marco Fossati
11:00-11:20Computational study of heat flux in the shock wave – turbulent boundary layer interaction using SU2 Keerthi J. S.
11:20-11:40Assessment of compressibility corrections for RANS simulations of real gas flows using SU2 Dominik Schuster
11:40-12:00SU2-NEMO for Destructive Atmospheric Entry Problems Fabio Miguel Pereira Morgado
12:00-12:20Turbulence modeling with wall functions Nijso Beishuizen
Session 3 – Chair: Prof. Alberto Guardone
14:20-14:40An Open-Source Framework For Fluid-Structure Interactions using SU2, MBDyn and PreCICE Luca Abergo
14:40-15:00Flutter Prediction in SU2 with Application to the Multifidelity Design of a Strut-braced Wing Alvaro Cea
15:00-15:20CFD Simulation of Flow of Air inside Nasal Cavity using SU2 and OpenFOAM and their Comparison Praveen Krishnapur
15:20-15:40Application of Stanford University Unstructured CFD Solver to Hypersonic Flow Problems Jayahar Sivasubramanian
Session 4 – Chair: Prof. Nicolas R. Gauger
16:20-16:40Mixing model in SU2: A numerical study of a static Kenics mixer Cristopher Morales Ubal
16:40-17:00Multi-Point Optimization of a Venturi Mixer for Residential Heating Lisa Kusch
17:00-17:20Aero-Structural Discrete Adjoint Sensitivities in SU2 using Algorithmic Differentiation Alessandro Gastaldi
17:20-17:40Day summary
19:15 – open endDinner – La Veranda dei Pescatori

Day 2 – Tuesday, September 6th

Session 1 – Chair: Dr. Thomas D. Economon
9:00-9:20A few notes on FFD-boxes in SU2 Tobias Kattmann
9:20-9:40Updates on Hybrid Parallel AD in SU2 (no recording available)Johannes Blühdorn
9:40-10:00SU2US: SU2 User Service or How to Optimize your Config Time Brais Cibeira
10:00-10:20User-defined output functions, with advanced applications Pedro Gomes
Session 2 – Chair: Dr. Nijso Beishuizen
11:00-11:20Recent Development in Aeroacoustic Capabilities in SU2Beckett Zhou
11:20-11:40Propeller Blade Load Calculation for Actuator Disk using Blade Element Method Y Chandu Krishna
11:40-12:00Performance Analysis and Shape Optimization of a Radial Compressor with the Open-Source Software SU2 Mustafa Kursat Uzuner
Session 3 – Chair: Prof. Matteo Pini
14:20-14:40Streamwise periodic turbulent flow solver with iso-thermal boundaries in SU2 Carlo De Servi
14:40-15:00Implementation of γ-Re θ transition model within SU2: model validation Andrea Rausa
15:00-15:20Airfoil self-noise predictions using DDES and the FWH analogy Huseyin Ozdemir
15:20-15:40Accelerated CFD Meshing with Fidelity Pointwise Travis Carrigan, Erick Gantt
Session 4 – Chair: Prof. Marco Fossati
16:20-16:40Surface Boundary Conditions for Hypersonic Flow Simulation Jacob Needels
16:40-17:00A full non-equilibrium model for multi-component flows under generic equations of state Barbara Re
17:00-17:20Computation of Design Sensitivities in Multi-Species Reacting Flows using the Discrete Adjoint Framework in SU2 Walter Maier
17:20-17:40Day summary
19:50 – open endDinner – Blanco Lounge Bar & Restaurant

Day 3 – Wednesday, September 7th

9:00 – 12:00Open community discussions
9:00 – open end Foundation Board and Advisors – Strategy and Plans (Invite only)
12:00 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – open endHike to the Varenna castle

Abstract submission (closed)

The Abstract Submission is open now until 31st of July 11:59 PT is extended to the 15th of August 11:59 PT. We encourage you to hand in your short abstracts for presentations as early as possible to allow for better planning.

We kindly ask you to submit a short abstract, which gives a summary of the topic you want to present.

Feel free to propose a presentation on any topic around SU2: whether you developed a major feature, applied SU2 to your specific testcase and want to showcase results, validation or comparisons with different codes or even tell others about ongoing work with all its possible problems to gain visibility and potential collaborators. In doubt, please submit your proposal!

There will be no possibility of a “Full Paper” submission at this year’s conference.

Abstract and presentation submissions are reviewed by the board of the SU2 Foundation. You will receive a notification whether your abstract was accepted.

Abstracts can be submitted via the widely used CMT, this requires to create an account in case you do not already have one:

On-Site Participation in Varenna/Italy (closed)

Varenna is a picturesque and traditional village, located on the eastern shore of Lake Como, Italy. Some information on how to get to Varenna can be found here: https://varennaitaly.it/en/come-arrivare/.

Due to its popularity among tourists and the little time remaining until the conference, the organizers recommend to not wait extraordinarily long with accommodation booking. For this purpose, we gathered a few information to support you in finding a suitable solution.

Possible Hotels in Varenna:

Note: Prices heavily oscillate depending on the rooms chosen. Also, availability is limited for that period.

In case you want to enjoy a short boat ride over Lake Como to start-off and finish your days at the conference, the towns Bellagio and Cadenabbia might be for you. The connecting ferries ride early and late enough to comfortably arrive in-time and to leave after enjoying diner plus a possible drink. The ferry schedule can be found here.

In case you have access to car of course any close village is suitable with the closest larger city being Lecco

A limited number of accommodation spots will be available in the conference venue of the Villa Monastero. Information regarding registration and cost will be announced later.

Information regarding Covid-19: In the conference location, the local regulations with respect to Covid-19 will be strictly enforced.

The registration is open now and you can access the registration platform following the button (or the written link) below. All information concerning pricing etc. are in the description of the linked event and are not repeated here.

Virtual Participation

Virtual participation will be free of charge and you can register via the Link to the registration platform above. Virtual conference contributions are more than welcome, and abstract submission are done via the same conference management platform that is linked above.

Organizing Committee

The SU2 Conference 2022 is organized by: Dr. Thomas D. Economon SU2 Foundation; Prof. Juan J. AlonsoStanford University; Dr. Eran AradRafael Advanced Defense Systems; Prof. Piero ColonnaDelft University of Technology; Tim AlbringSU2 Foundation; Dr. Pedro GomesSU2 Foundation; Daniel MayerRobert Bosch LLC; Tobias KattmannTU Kaiserslautern

Local organizing comittee:

  • Prof. Alberto Guardone – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
  • Luca Abergo – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
  • Andrea Rausa – Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano