Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, NL


4th SU2 Developers Meeting Agenda

May 8-10, 2019
Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy

2019/05/08: Community Discussion
2019/05/09: Presentation Session
2019/05/10: Hackathon Session

Community Discussion

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Time Title
0745 – 0800
Welcome & Agenda
0800 – 0900Introducing the SU2 Foundation
0900 – 0930Coffee Break
0930 – 1045SU2 Foundation: Academic Perspective
1045 – 1200SU2 Foundation: Industry Perspective
1200 – 1400Lunch
1400 – 1500SU2 Foundation: Developer Perspective
1500 – 1600SU2 Foundation: User Perspective
1600 – 1630Coffee Break
1630 – 1730Summary & Next Steps

Presentation Session

Thursday, May 9th, 2019

Time Title Authors
0800 – 0830 Welcome & Introducing the SU2 Foundation Thomas D. Economon (Robert Bosch LLC/SU2 Foundation)
0830 – 0850 Vision and perspective of SU2 development center at National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) (Invited Talk) Boris Diskin (National Institute of Aerospace)
0850 – 0910 Turbomachinery Capabilities in SU2: Status of Current Developments and Future Perspectives Nitish Anand, Matteo Pini, Piero Colonna (TU Delft)
0910 – 0930 Aerodynamics of hinged rotorcraft in SU2, with applications to ice accretion and noise Myles Morelli, Alberto Guardone (PoliMi)
0930 – 0950 Recent Developments of Hybrid RANS/LES in SU2 Eduardo S. Molina, Juan J. Alonso (Stanford), Beckett Y. Zhou, Nicolas R. Gauger (TU Kaiserslautern)
1000 – 1030 Coffee Break
1030 – 1050 Multi-Physics Analysis and External Code Compatibility Heather Kline (National Institute of Aerospace)
1050 – 1110 Shape and Topology Optimization of Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problems Pedro Gomes, Rafael Palacios (Imperial College London)
1110 – 1130 Towards fully automated aerodynamics shape optimization of nonplanar wings with SU2 Rauno Cavallaro (Universidad Carlos III Madrid)
1130 – 1150 Boundary and Volume Shape Newton Schemes and Their Automatic Generation Stephan Schmidt (Universität Würzburg)
1200 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1350 Pressure-robustness – a new criterion for the accuracy of incompressible Navier-Stokes solvers at high Reynolds number and beyond Alexander Linke (Weierstraß Institut Berlin)
1350 – 1410 Implementation of a pressure based incompressible solver in SU2 Akshay.K.R, Huseyin Ozdemir (TNO), Edwin van der Weide (University of Twente)
1410 – 1430 Streamwise periodic flow simulations Tobias Kattmann (Robert Bosch GmbH/TU Kaiserslautern)
1440 – 1450 Accuracy verification by means of exact and manufactured solutions Edwin van der Weide (University of Twente), Thomas D. Economon (Robert Bosch LLC)
1500 – 1530 Coffee Break
1530 – 1550 SU2-NEMO: NonEquilibrium MOdels for Hypersonic Flows Using Mutation++ Catarina Garbacz, Marco Fossati (University of Strathcylde), Walter T. Maier, Juan J. Alonso (Stanford University), James B. Scoggins (École Polytechnique), Thomas D. Economon (Robert Bosch LLC), Thierry Magin (Von Karman Institute)
1550- 1610 Shock capturing in SU2 DG-FEM solver Jae hwan Choi, Juan J. Alonso (Stanford University), Edwin van der Weide (University of Twente)

Hackathon Session

Friday, May 10th, 2019

Time Title
0800 – 0815Introduction
0815 – 1000Ongoing Developments Discussion
1000 – 1030Coffee Break
1030 – 1100Introduction to Planned Developments and Project Committees
1100 – 1200

Project Committees (I)

Committee 1: Flow physics, Turbulence and Aeroacoustics

Committee 2: Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization

Committee 3: Performance & Scalability

Committee 4: Validation & Verification

1200 – 1300Lunch
1300 – 1400

Project Committees (II)

Committee 1: Flow physics, Turbulence and Aeroacoustics

Committee 2: Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization

Committee 3: Performance & Scalability

Committee 4: Validation & Verification

1400 – 1500Code Maintenance Committee
1500 – 1530Coffee Break
1530 – 1630Release v7.0
1630 – 1700Wrap-up & Adjourn